lauantai 11. huhtikuuta 2009

悪魔ビーム!!^(# ̄□ ̄)^o—∈‥・・━━━━━━━☆

die you bitches...
of course , YES _of_course_
I'm that kind of girl who sleeps
next to four guys!!!!

just continue talking shit 'bout me,
u r still making me famous ~☆

still, talking shit about You (yeah righ, YOU!)
makes me smile (v ̄ω ̄(v ̄ω ̄(v ̄ω ̄)イエーイ♪

and You,stop envying me, my place is as bad as yours,
and only because you cant go forward!
kusokuratte shine. ( ̄へ ̄)

stop ruin my already fucked up life
and have fun with your new BUSU

ps. luv u handsome (*^・^)CHU〜☆

perjantai 10. huhtikuuta 2009

(^Q^)/゛ ヒサシブリ!

long time no see m(_ _'')m

i have been too lazy to write ( T^T)~
about a week ago, i was visiting my lilsisters
@my mom, they had 7th b-day party (3rd of April) so i had to go there -__-
i bought some marshmallows for my sisters ^^
i also draw b-day cards for them
as u can c ~

above there r the marshmallows and
some Hello Kitty-stuff ... for me ofcourse (_ _,)/~~
and under the cards ~

some yummy things
from my lilsisters b-day party ~

muffinz on the left and chocolate fountain,
grapes, licorice candy and
drained pineapple and banana pieces
on the right~ d(^_^) 

was sooooo yummy (TuT)~

there were so much sweet food that
my tummy were hurting when
i left T__T

same day, @ evening
i went to ssnaa ♥

as u can c~~~~~~~~
she had also b-day party~
we had bit champagne and whitewine (^-^)g
l8er we went to nightclub called 'k・l・u・b・i'
to c this band called Traffic Island

in middle of gig i went to other nightclub
called 'The Club' lol
to c this adorable one ♥ (not gonna tell u) ( ̄ー ̄)
but i had super fun ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ☆

yesterday we went to romeo's 18th b-day party
and the place was so full filled with people
so we left to nightclub called 'Marilyn'
with taruaww and irene ♥
had a super lovely evening (and night) nya ~♥

after leaving the nightclub
someone important came to my place
and stayed over the night ♥

i'm so happy (゚ー゚)(。_。)ウンウン ♥

tonight, i'm not so sure what i'll do...
i maby go to The Club or i'll just
stay at home and surf around~

la di dah~